Shams Ahmed 

Shams Ahmed: Founder, Infrastructure Engineer, consultant and Director. Side hustles include running a charity and shop supporting Mental health in the local community of Batley. 
I have worked with IT since the old days at school and having the first PC at home....I remember it so well, our dad finally bought us one and how excited we were. A Pentium 3 with 4mb of memory, 2GB disk drive and an insanely heavy monitor. I learnt how to "mod" and overclock the system and CPU. Yes, I was a geek and fast forward 10 plus years I find myself working on placement in Brum, driving around with a car full of kit swapping out the ticketing systems at all the train stations.. I was hired as the next IT Manager at the company's train depot based in Leeds, before I'd even graduated and finished Uni, which I did and thus began my professional career. 
I've worked through all facets of IT starting with helpdesk and desktop support, moving up through the technologies and server systems. Including Networking and software systems and now Cloud computing with Microsoft 365 and telephone systems. I have worked for medium business who grew quickly, supported National and international companies at massive levels with their IT spending and setups. 
I now feel old, as I type this line.....That's a whopping 20+ years of my life being infected by IT! 
What that has taught me, is that IT is so varied. It can be overly simple and yet complex at the same time, we end up in rabbit holes when the simplest step is the best. It's allowed me to think outside of the IT box and be aware of the bigger picture. 
Yes, a business has profit and service as a priority, which is the same for IT. Our customers are different but also the same, they are the business and it's employees who in turn, are supporting their customers and clients, deliver the products and services that makes you proud of your business and staff 
Platinum Tec was born out of a desire to help all with their IT but not as a corporate or sales driven entity. More like a friend, confidant, that go to person when you need sound and unbiased advice or help. Our approach to customers is as if we were employed by you, with the drive and passion of your own staff. Seriously, you can stick a t-shirt on us with your brand logo and we'll happily represent you. 
It's how we work as at the end of the day, IT Support and consultancy as a "Service" and as an old MD of mine always said. "operational excellence" is what we should always aim for. What did that mean? To give it your all, your best efforts and to ensure that everyone around you is also doing the same as you. One thing we can guarantee you. Is that we will work for you with 100% conviction, effort and passion for you and with you. Simply put if you're successful then we're also successful too! 

Get In Touch 

If you are a small to medium sized business in Leeds, Yorkshire, or anywhere in the UK, and you need simple yet professional, help with your IT. Don’t hang around and get in touch. We offer a free and no-obligation initial consultation to understand your requirements and provide you with the best solutions for you and your business. Take the first step towards liking and getting along with your IT infrastructure and have it driving growth for your business. Contact us now to schedule your consultation.